Standard Canine Visit
A typical canine annual visit at our clinic includes an Annual Physical Examination performed by one of our licensed veterinarians as well as several vaccines including: Rabies, D.A2.P.P., Bordetella, and Leptospira.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does my dog need to get an annual exam every year?
We highly recommend keeping up with yearly physical exams since they are the best way to ensure that your pet's health is protected. Annual physical exams with our office also allow you to maintain active client status, and ensures that there are no interruptions in your pet's medication schedule, since Florida law requires that we must have examined the pet within the year if we are dispensing prescription medication to you. (this applies to flea and heartworm medications as well!)
When can my dog receive the 3 year rabies vaccine?
Florida law requires two consecutive 1 year rabies vaccinations before a 3 year vaccine can be administered. This means that the first three shots must be kept on a strict yearly schedule in order for your pet to qualify for a 3 year vaccine!
Do I have to get a rabies vaccine for my pet?
Yes, under Florida law all cats and dogs over the age of 12 weeks must be vaccinated against the rabies virus.
What does D.A2.P.P. stand for?
The D.A2.P.P. vaccine that we offer contains distemper virus, adenovirus type 2, parvovirus, and parainfluenza virus.
What is the D.A2.P.P. vaccine for?
Distemper and parvo are the two major components of the D.A2.P.P. vaccine. Distemper is a respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervous system virus that is a threat to all dogs, but especially those under four months of age. The distemper virus can be spread from dog to dog, mother to puppy, and from wildlife to dog. Distemper also has a high mortality rate, so it is extremely important to ensure that your dog is properly vaccinated. Parvo is an extremely contagious and often fatal viral disease that affects the bone marrow and gastrointestinal system. It is estimated that nearly 100% of dogs that are exposed to the parvovirus will contract the disease.
Adenovirus type 2 protects dogs against both a potentially fatal hepatitis(type 1), and infectious respiratory disease (type 2). Both Adenovirus 2 and Parainfluenza virus are frequently part of the complex infection commonly referred to as "kennel cough".
Bordetella is a bacteria that is the primary component of the kennel cough complex. This common name leads to the misconception that dogs are only vulnerable to bordetella bacteria if they are being boarded. In reality all dogs that interact with other animals are at risk for this disease,
What is the leptospira vaccine for?
Leptospira are bacteria (disease = leptospirosis) that are found in water and soil contaminated by animal waste. It is especially important to vaccinate against leptospirosis because it is one of the canine diseases that can also spread to humans, causing hepatitis, meningitis and respiratory failure among other things.
Why are the bordetella and leptospira vaccines given every six months instead of yearly?
Bordetella and leptospira are both bacteria, and the vaccines produced for them are not long-lasting. Because these vaccines are only considered to be highly effective for 8 months on average we vaccinate twice a year to ensure that your pet is fully protected.
Which vaccines do we recommend for canine patients?
We recommend a full set of vaccinations for all of our canine patients, especially those that go outside on a daily basis. The canine diseases that we vaccinate against are serious, and the inexpensive price of vaccines it is well worth the safety of your pet. We do advocate 3 year vaccines where appropriate.
Do you recommend vaccinating my dog against the flu?
Although canine flu "scare" posts do make the rounds on social media every year, we have yet to see a case, and have not heard of a single confirmed case in Pensacola. Despite these factors, the vaccine is still far more likely to help your pet than harm them. We do not recommend the canine influenza vaccine as part of our annual vaccinations, but it is still available upon request!
Does my dog have to have a heartworm test every year?
Not necessarily! If you give your dog heartworm preventative routinely, we do not routinely require testing. However if your dog is sick, or has missed some preventative, we may test for heartworms with the best available test.
Does my dog need to get an annual exam every year?
We highly recommend keeping up with yearly physical exams since they are the best way to ensure that your pet's health is protected. Annual physical exams with our office also allow you to maintain active client status, and ensures that there are no interruptions in your pet's medication schedule, since Florida law requires that we must have examined the pet within the year if we are dispensing prescription medication to you. (this applies to flea and heartworm medications as well!)
When can my dog receive the 3 year rabies vaccine?
Florida law requires two consecutive 1 year rabies vaccinations before a 3 year vaccine can be administered. This means that the first three shots must be kept on a strict yearly schedule in order for your pet to qualify for a 3 year vaccine!
Do I have to get a rabies vaccine for my pet?
Yes, under Florida law all cats and dogs over the age of 12 weeks must be vaccinated against the rabies virus.
What does D.A2.P.P. stand for?
The D.A2.P.P. vaccine that we offer contains distemper virus, adenovirus type 2, parvovirus, and parainfluenza virus.
What is the D.A2.P.P. vaccine for?
Distemper and parvo are the two major components of the D.A2.P.P. vaccine. Distemper is a respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervous system virus that is a threat to all dogs, but especially those under four months of age. The distemper virus can be spread from dog to dog, mother to puppy, and from wildlife to dog. Distemper also has a high mortality rate, so it is extremely important to ensure that your dog is properly vaccinated. Parvo is an extremely contagious and often fatal viral disease that affects the bone marrow and gastrointestinal system. It is estimated that nearly 100% of dogs that are exposed to the parvovirus will contract the disease.
Adenovirus type 2 protects dogs against both a potentially fatal hepatitis(type 1), and infectious respiratory disease (type 2). Both Adenovirus 2 and Parainfluenza virus are frequently part of the complex infection commonly referred to as "kennel cough".
Bordetella is a bacteria that is the primary component of the kennel cough complex. This common name leads to the misconception that dogs are only vulnerable to bordetella bacteria if they are being boarded. In reality all dogs that interact with other animals are at risk for this disease,
What is the leptospira vaccine for?
Leptospira are bacteria (disease = leptospirosis) that are found in water and soil contaminated by animal waste. It is especially important to vaccinate against leptospirosis because it is one of the canine diseases that can also spread to humans, causing hepatitis, meningitis and respiratory failure among other things.
Why are the bordetella and leptospira vaccines given every six months instead of yearly?
Bordetella and leptospira are both bacteria, and the vaccines produced for them are not long-lasting. Because these vaccines are only considered to be highly effective for 8 months on average we vaccinate twice a year to ensure that your pet is fully protected.
Which vaccines do we recommend for canine patients?
We recommend a full set of vaccinations for all of our canine patients, especially those that go outside on a daily basis. The canine diseases that we vaccinate against are serious, and the inexpensive price of vaccines it is well worth the safety of your pet. We do advocate 3 year vaccines where appropriate.
Do you recommend vaccinating my dog against the flu?
Although canine flu "scare" posts do make the rounds on social media every year, we have yet to see a case, and have not heard of a single confirmed case in Pensacola. Despite these factors, the vaccine is still far more likely to help your pet than harm them. We do not recommend the canine influenza vaccine as part of our annual vaccinations, but it is still available upon request!
Does my dog have to have a heartworm test every year?
Not necessarily! If you give your dog heartworm preventative routinely, we do not routinely require testing. However if your dog is sick, or has missed some preventative, we may test for heartworms with the best available test.